28 Februari 2010

Tengok wayang

File:Percy Jackson & the Olympians The Lightning Thief  poster.jpg

Cerita ni ok.. aku dah tengok tadi.. best jugak. Aku memang minat citer ala-ala Harry Potter ni.. Tak semestinya budak-budak je minat citer berunsurkan ilusi ni kan? Hmmm.. dapat jugak aku tengok citer ni.. Boring tak tahu nak buat apa hari ni.. Lagipun hari ni besday aku, takkan nak duk umah je kot.. Apa-apa pun aku suka citer ni.. Rasanya lagi best dari Harry Potter tapi terpulang pada pendapat masing-masing..

26 Februari 2010

23 Februari 2010

I am sorry


It's hard to admit to yourself
that you've treated someone
you care for so badly
It hurts to know that I messed up,
and hurt you because of it

I was snappy and said things I didn't mean,
and I know there's no excuse for that
You didn't deserve to be the one
that I took my frustrations out on

You are so special, and so dear to me
And I, I was just a plain old fool
If I could take everything back, I would
If I could fly around the earth like a super hero
and make time go backwards, I would

But, we both know I can't
I suppose this is my way
of saying to you
I'm Sorry

Sweet Memories in Genting

22 Februari 2010

Sehari di Jeram Toi

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